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比亚迪 成就梦想

王传福夺 “扎耶德未来能源奖”终身成就奖(阿联酋阿布扎比,2014年1月20日)世界未来能源峰会期间,各国政要、知名人士会聚阿布扎比,备受瞩目的第六届“扎耶德未来能源奖” (ZayedFuture Energy Prize)获奖名单揭晓,比亚迪继去年斩获大企业类入围奖后,其创始人兼总裁王传福摘得今年的“扎耶德未来能源奖”个人终身成就奖,并获得50万美元奖金。

● 比亚迪总裁王传福会晤股神巴菲特
 BYD Chairman Wang Chuanfu meet the person who is
 Stock-wise Warren E. Buffett

 BYD Chairman Wang Chuanfu and Daimle-Benz Chairman
 Dr.Dieter Zetshe celebrate with warm handshaking



220,000 People's beliefs, 1.3 billion people's dreams“China cannot become a scientific and technological power without its own national auto industry. As one of the members in China national auto-manufacturing industry, we will feel ashamed if we cannot change the backward situation within this field."
                                                        ——Wang Chuanfu
Founded in February 1995, BYD started out in the rechargeable battery business, and entered the automobile industry in 2003. In the meantime, it started operating in the renewable energy industry and ventured into the rail transit sector in March 2016. By November 2016, BYD had a staff of 220,000 employees in 30 industrial parks around the world, covering an area of approximately 18 million sq. m.